Sunday, November 28, 2010

All By Myself...

So last Friday I had a cadet camp. Not surprising, considering that nearly every second or third weekend there's a camp on... But getting back on track: There were six males and one female. Fancy that. All by myself. On a camp. With six males. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't the only, only female onboard - the CO was there. What I mean is that I was on the only female cadet onboard. You have no idea just how much that sucks.

We went out in the boats on the Friday night, sailing around Port Philip Bay around 2300 hours and I was stuck with six guys (well, technically it was four, as the other two were in another boat) for nearly 55 minutes. As they were rather incompetent in regards to keeping the conversation going, I was doing most of the talking, having to raise my voice against the sound of the motor. I don't believe that I have ever talked that much in my life. We went from Pokemon to reading, TV shows, movies, music, artists, general gossip about the other cadets..., some seriously strange things I don't think is appropriate to mention, courtesy of the four gentlemen I had to put up with, and other stuff. It wasn't bad per se, I just would have liked some more female company to prevent me from going utterly insane.

However, the upside of the whole Friday night ordeal was the stunning view that we got to share as we sat drifting in the middle of Port Philip Bay, looking out at Melbourne while she twinkled with thousands of different lights against a cloudly night sky. Quite breathtaking to be completely honest. Real romantic if it weren't for the awkward vibes going on.

Something else happened on that Friday night boat trip too, when we were docking at the wharf. The driver crashed the boat! Shock horror all round. It was terrible. Well, not a complete disaster but it did leave a nice white scratch along the port side and a lovely large dint on the port bow... Needless to say, the driver was not happy and neither was the XO, whose hard work and effort went sinking when he saw the handiwork.

When we all turned in for the night, I was left all on my lonesome in a big mess (sleeping quarters) with no-one to talk to. I slept well that night though, but I did miss the conversations that usually sparked when other females were around... I still remember another camp when there were more onboard and we stayed up talking about... guys... and gossiped. Naturally, of course. There were quite a few things revealed that night.

Anyhow, the next morning = awkward. Awkward PT (physical training), awkward breakfast, awkward bludging around. And even when another female rocked to join us on our trip to Cheltnam, the bus ride there was still awkward. Awkward all round!

At Cheltnam though... Wow. The model ship builder that we went to see - and his model ships - were amazing. The detail was spectuacular and rather adorable. The guy that paints ships and army tanks and whatnot was hilarious. He has the best sense of humour, and we had a great chat with him. He's such a pirate! There's this swagger about the way he walks and in the way he talks and laughs. His eye for detail though when he paints, though, are awe inspiring. I would totally buy out his entire art collection.

And I think I should probably end this entry here before I start rambling on about how awkward the ride back was - which it was. But, but, but! We got a Lego ship which was freaking amazing. It's so cute and adorable and scale model and I. WANT. ONE.

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